Update 0.9 Revival

Before we begin, I would like to thank @jdrocco5 as he was the one who actually made most of this build.

My Changelog:

  • Removed the Wall of Fame, but moved the frame to the green screen
  • Campsite added. Although its just the tent, its fine. Particles are also on the fire for, well, the fire
  • Added a proper surface for the massive red frame

@jdrocco5's Changelog (Beware it's a big one):


-Added a ceiling to the Office.

-You can now view the Controls of the game via the pause menu.

-Added a way to properly exit Top-Down View.

-Added a Top Barrier and Bottom Barrier to the Playground.

-Added an easter egg. To find this easter egg you must go beneath the promise and use your new abilities. If done correctly, you shall find yourself in the origin.

-Added the Cake Camera. To enter/exit, press "8".

-Added a working Volume slider to the Options menu.

-Added the ability to go to the Options menu via the Playground and Office.

-Added a way to change the Quality of the game via the Options menu (There's 7 quality options: Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High, Ultra and Insane).

-Added a saving feature to the Options Menu.

-Added BEAN 2.0 which uses the NewPlayerMovement script. You can switch between BEAN 1.0 and BEAN 2.0 by pressing '1' and '2' respectively.

-Fully added Tag! Now Hide! Version 0.2.0 into the game! (I would have chose Version 0.3.0 if it weren't for Level 2's stupid design)


-Replaced the Milk Carton with a Milk Bottle.

-Changed the position of the Main Menu camera.

-Changed Options Title text to "Options".

-Instead of holding down 'PageDown' to enter Slow Mode, you now just need to press it once! Isn't that great? (To exit press 'PageUp').

-Changed the sensitivity of PlayerCam to 150.

-Changed the width of the pause menu buttons to accommodate for the new "Controls" button.

-Changed the Office pause menu to be that of the Playground pause menu.

-Changed the ordering of the Main Menu.

-Split Main Menu V&C text into 'Version' and 'Copyright'.

-Changed the ground in the Main Menu and Playground to a different grass texture.

-Now when you crouch/enter Kart Racer Mode you will be sized down rather than being switched to another camera.

-Merged the Options scene into the Main Menu scene.

-Completely rewrote the PlayerMovement script. Because of this, jumping now works as originally intended and you can no longer fly. Other benefits include speed and jump height carrying over when you crouch/enter Kart Racer Mode (sprinting in crouch isn't as fast as sprinting normally, you won't jump as high when you're crouching/in Kart Racer Mode, sprinting in Kart Racer Mode doesn't do anything)

-The Follower BEAN will now target BEAN 2.0, this means if you switch to BEAN 1.0 it won't target you.


-Fixed the position of objects in the Main Menu, Office and Playground.

-Fixed the text in the Playground and Office.

-Fixed the rotation of the Player Camera.

-Fixed the scaling of the North, South, East and West Barriers.

-Fixed the position of the Top Down Camera.

-Fixed the image colour of the Main Menu buttons.


-Removed the 'OfficeBarrier.cs' script and the Office Barrier object.

-Removed the Options scene.

Hope You Enjoy!!!!


Windows x64 - Update 0.9 Revival 66 MB
May 28, 2021
Windows x86 - Update 0.9 Revival 63 MB
May 28, 2021
Mac OS - Update 0.9 Revival 76 MB
May 28, 2021
Linux - Update 0.9 Revival 80 MB
May 28, 2021

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